Self-Publishing Bundle | Self-Publish your Book

Stop paying outrageous prices to publish your book!

Why Pay So Much for Each Service?

Start Saving and take a look at our Bundle offer.

Contrary To What Many Experts
Say, Self Publishing Is Not Easy.

Everyone’s Attention Span Is Getting Shorter With Time. It’s Your Job To Make Sure You Capture
Their Attention Well By Standing Out Amongst Millions of Books Published Every Year

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Thousands of writers miss out on publishing
due to procrastination.

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Some use multiple freelancers who can’t deliver on time,
make quick updates, and produce the desired result.

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Most writers waste money on tools and software and end up wasting their time by learning how to use them. Eventually, they give up midway, and their work goes unpublished.

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Writers who are tech-savvy spend a lot of time doing everything themselves and end up unhappy with the results because it lacks professionalism.

If You Think You’re One Of Them, Don’t Worry And Let Us Help you!

There’s a way out for you as well!

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

You can:

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Without :

There are many self-publishing companies to choose from. How do you find the perfect fit for you? What if you could have a team that has more than 10 years of experience and has served companies such as Amazon, Nickelodeon, and Oxford Press?
After Working With Hundreds Of Indie Authors, we have developed the ULTIMATE SELF-PUBLISHING BUNDLE, A package of all the necessary services to publish and promote your book.


Book Interior Design $300*

To the normal eye, it might not make much of a difference. But for an avid reader, the reading experience is highly affected by the interior design or the book’s formatting.

Our designers make sure that your book is reviewed carefully and is ready for publishing on Amazon KDP, Ingram, and others. (Only Black & White interiors are included)


Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Having Formatted Over 6 Million Pages Since 2009, Our Ebook Services
Have A Great Track Record For Delivering High-Quality Work On Time.

Ebook Bundle $150*

By creating an ebook version of your story, you ensure that it reaches people easily. We ensure that your book is adapted and made compatible with all e-readers. This way, it can reach millions of people through platforms like Amazon, Smashwords, iBooks, Nook, & Kobo without any hassle.


Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle


That More Than 1 Million Books Are Self-Published
In A Year In The United States Alone?
What Are Your Chances Of You Having A Different Cover?

Professional Cover Design $200*

The first thing people see about your book is the cover. It is what embodies your identity and the story you tell through the book. Our publishing manager, along with the designers, helps you craft a professional book cover that truly resonates with your story and how you want people to perceive the book.


Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Author Website $200*

In today’s digital economy, it has become necessary to have a professional online presence. As an author, a website helps you do just that. 

We help you craft your website page so that people can learn about you and your written work. This also becomes an excellent channel for people to buy your books from.


Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

BONUS #1 Video teaser $150*

 The Basic video trailer gives your readers the first look of your book. You can use it on your Author Website, FaceBook and YouTube to promote your book. It is usually 30 seconds long.

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

BONUS #2 Social Media Bundle $250*

This Bundle consists of Facebook, Instagram ads, Quick And Easy Social Media Secrets and guide that helps you target the right audience on social media. It also consists of cheatsheets, worksheets and checklists

1. Two ad banner design each for FaceBook and Instagram.
2. Checklists

  • For FaceBook Author page setup.
  • Making the best use of LinkedIn


Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

BONUS #3 Book Launch Kit $99*

The kit consists of the guide “Proven Strategies For Book Launch” that helps you build a foundation and choose your tools to execute the perfect book launch. It consists of:

1. Guide – Proven Strategies For Book Launch
2. Customizable Plans 

  • Pre-book launch
  • Book launch
  • Post- book launch

3. Cheat sheets
With your book launch. It includes Cheat sheets for: 

  • Book launch plan
  • The Lean book launch plan
  • Strategies for a book launch
  • Plan & timeline for a book launch
  • Building an e-mail list 

4.Worksheets for
Worksheets help target your book better. The worksheets  are included for:

  • Contests & Giveaways
  • Interview & Media campaign
  • Launch Content & Editorial Calendar
Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Ash Cotter

Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle
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Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

” The thing I loved most about working with Pen2Publishing was that they really went the extra mile for us. The experienced team accomodated all our requests and implemented them immediately, which was fantastic – highly recommended to anyone who is self-publishing their book! “





Ultimate Self-Publishing Bundle

Normal Price : $1597

But today, you are getting all of this

For only : $699

If you’ve come this far, it’s clear you’re serious about publishing your manuscript. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the process, no worries. Our job is to prioritise and guide you. Of course you can call all the shots, so don’t think you won’t be part of it at all.
Let’s get started to create the next best-seller, shall we?

If You Think You’re One Of Them, Don’t Worry And Let Us Help you!

Do we have a guarantee?

Money back guarantee
Of course!

We are confident in our work. However, if you aren’t, that’s a risk Pen2publishing’s willing to take. We suggest you try it out. If you’re not happy with our result, we will refund your money to you. Deal?

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