Various eBook Formats Explained.

Various eBook Formats & How to Find the Best one for your eBook.

Various eBook Formats & How to Find the Best one for your eBook.

While planning to publish an eBook, the major concern for authors is regarding the eBook format.  You might have done quite a bit search on Google to find out which eBook format to choose for your eBook and would’ve ended up more confused than before. Don’t stress. We have curated a list of popular eBook formats.

There are quite a few eBook formats. Here is the list of the most widely used eBook formats.

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Various eBook Formats & How to Find the Best one for your eBook.


Electronic publication or ePUB is an open format developed by the International Digital Publishing Forums. It is the most widely supported format that opens in most smartphones, laptops, and eReaders except Kindle. ePUB file works on popular devices like iPod Touch, iPhone, Kobo Reader, Sony Readers, and more. Many latest devices support the latest version, ePUB3- the format of fixed-layout and interactive eBooks. 


MOBI was initially developed as a PalmDOC extension format. It was used by the MobiPocketReader. There are few limitations while using the MOBI format. 

For example, the image size cannot be scaled using font size, and tables get displayed distinctly on various readers, specifically in tables covering more than one screen or when nested table support is absent. It also cannot support audio or video. It does not open on all eReaders except NOOK.

3. AZW & AZW3

It is the format specifically supported in Kindle. It supports reflowable and fixed-layout eBooks. The format gives options like bookmark, highlight, and annotate. It is similar to the ePUB format. Android devices and iOS can read this format, but other eReaders like NOOK or Kobo cannot.

4. PDF

PDF is another format that is often used because of its massive usage on the web. It is technically not an eBook format, but it is one of the popular medium through which eBooks are downloaded and read. PDF’s issue is that reflowable content is problematic, and not many eBook stores accept this format.

How to Choose the Right eBook Format?

Various eBook Formats & How to Find the Best one for your eBook.

While publishing an eBook, choosing the right format can be a daunting task. There are a few aspects you need to consider before you decide on a particular format:

What is the content of your eBook?

If the content of the eBook is more text-based, PDF is the best option for you. But if your eBook has more interactive elements, then it is ideal to choose EPUB is your best bet. When you have more graphics and interactivity, then you need the format that will reflow. According to the type of eBook and the content, decide on the format. 

Where are you distributing your eBook?

The majority of eBooks are sold through online retail platforms, subscription platforms, and directly through the author website. So, you need to decide the format accordingly. If you choose to sell your eBook through Amazon, then you need to choose the MOBI format. If your option is to sell through other platforms like Apple or NOOK, you need to opt for EPUB format. 

Remember choosing the right eBook format is an important step in creating an eBook. So, take your time in deciding the format that is best suitable for your eBook. 

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